Vitamins C and D: Our immune protection shield!
There is a prevailing perception that those living in the developed countries of the world enjoy a rich and nutrient-dense diet. However, this is not the case, as it has been observed that most people suffer from the so-called “hidden hunger”…
The term “Hidden Hunger” describes the lack of micronutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fatty acids. It is, in other words, a form of malnutrition in micronutrients and concerns a large part of the world’s population.
In modern times, serious deficiencies in essential vitamins and micronutrients are found. In fact, the current rate of growth of these shortages in the richest countries is a source of intense concern. But what are the two most important vitamins for boosting immunity?
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble nutrient essential for health and the proper functioning of the immune system. This is because it has the ability to strengthen the defensive action of white blood cells against infections and reduce inflammation by promoting the immune response. It is produced on the skin under the influence of the sun, but it can also be absorbed through the consumption of certain foods.
Nevertheless, there are many who, although they live in a sunny country like Greece, show a deficiency in this very important vitamin, as a result of which the function of their immune system is negatively affected. More specifically, low vitamin D levels are associated with an increased risk of upper respiratory tract infections, including the coronavirus, influenza virus, and pneumonia.
It is worth noting that in a clinical study of 11,321 people, supplementation with vitamin D significantly reduced the risk of respiratory infections, not only in those with a deficiency, but also in those with sufficient levels of this vitamin.
Vitamin D guidelines state that an intake of 1,000 – 4,000 IU of vitamin D per day is sufficient for most people. Conversely, those with severe deficiency require much higher doses.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is probably the most popular vitamin taken to protect against infections because of its important role in overall immune support.
This vitamin supports the function of various immune cells and enhances their ability to protect the body from infections. It also acts as a powerful antioxidant, protecting against damage caused by free radicals.
Vitamin C has been shown to reduce the duration and severity of upper respiratory tract infections, including the common cold.
A large review of 29 studies in 11,306 people showed that regular intake of vitamin C at an average dose of 1-2 grams per day reduced the duration of colds by 8% in adults and 14% in children.
Throughout the year, therefore, especially during the winter period, if we want strong immunity, it is considered necessary to consume vitamins D and C, so as to avoid colds and viruses. There are many vitamin preparations on the market, but it is important to choose high-quality supplements that really meet our needs.
For an adequate intake of the above vitamins, choose Power Health’s Vitamin C + D3 1000mg and 1000iu food supplement with vitamins C and D3 that effectively contribute to the normal functioning of the immune system.